Contract and
wholesale coffee
roasting services

Our customers

Established coffee brands

coffee brands

New and developing coffee brands

New and developing
coffee brands

coffee contracts

Coffee brands that make use of contract roasting services, or require support beyond their own capabilities.

We have proven skills and solid experience in the coffee roasting services industry, and are duly connected with the coffee industry to offer a comprehensive service. This involves the following:

Coffee bean roasting only – you supply the raw green beans, we store and roast them for you when required.

Supply of green beans and roasting – you tell us what you want, we do the rest.

A business based on four cornerstones

coffee roasting services


coffee roasting services


coffee roasting services


coffee roasting services


These values are our foundation when we engage with our market, and for the way in which we provide a service to our customers. 

coffee roasting services

Using us offers a variety of benefits, including:

peace of mind, knowing that the roasting of coffee for your business is taken care of;

lower overhead expenses, cost savings, and reduced business cost of ownership; and

having more time to service your customers, grow your business, and build your brand.

Find out whom we are.

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